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4 Reasons Civil Servants Should Keep Their Resumes Updated

Resource 4 Reasons Civil Servants Should Keep Their Resumes Updated

By Felicia Tatum

Many people only update their resume when it is time to search for a new job, leaving them feeling overwhelmed when the need to look for a new position unexpectedly arises. Building your resume takes time. Doing it all at once can be difficult if under time constraints, which many job seekers are. This is especially true after an unfortunate circumstance like being laid off or being passed over for a promotion. By regularly updating your resume (even when you have no intention of leaving), you will always be prepared and ready to take any opportunity you may be interested in. Below are four reasons why you should keep your government resume updated at all times. 

Life is Unpredictable 

You never know when something life-changing will happen. A move, a termination, or a career change could all happen quickly with little or no notice. Having your resume updated with your most recent government experience at all times would can help you feel more in control and prepared for situations. 

Unexpected Opportunities Arise 

You could meet someone tomorrow who has the perfect career opportunity for you in their pocket. You could build an expansive network to where you always have opportunities available. Maybe your dream job is opening up today, and you have to apply quickly. Many situations and opportunities pop up and it’s best to have your resume updated with your latest government job experience so you can jump on them. 

It Saves Time In the Long Run  

Compiling information for a resume is time consuming and can be stressful. It can be even more difficult when you're no longer in the role and you're faced with trying to remember some of the specific projects you worked on, or the results you achieved. By having your resume updated at all times, and updating it as your career progresses, you have all the information you need at all times. This will help whether you write the resume yourself or if you have a professional write it. Keeping a government resume up-to-date helps you to have all your accomplishments in one place, as well as your education, job, and professional development information. 

You don’t want the resume to be quickly thrown together when a great opportunity arises. This can decrease your value and hurt you in the long run. See how to keep your resume updated for more information.

It Helps You See Your Value 

When you are consistently updating your resume with achievements and accomplishments, it is easier to see the value you bring to an organization. This will help you with performance reviews and salary increases. It helps your confidence and self-worth because you're regularly reminding yourself of the accomplishments and progress you have made throughout your career. 

Make It a Habit to Regularly Update Your Resume 

The above points are four strong reasons to have your government resume updated at all times. While it saves time, it will also save your sanity when faced with a life change or new opportunity. Schedule time in your calendar each month or quarter to update your resume with the most recent accomplishments. When promoted or after you've landed a new job, be sure you record the dates and new duties so you have the relevant information highlights needed to update the experience section of your resume. Updating your government resume empowers you to find a job more quickly when you need to make a change, and take advantage of exciting opportunities the moment they present themselves. 

Felicia Tatum has a deep passion for writing and helping people. Equipped with an MBA with a concentration in HR, she utilizes her knowledge and skills to help others land the jobs of their dreams while pursuing her own. Connect with Felicia on LinkedIn

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